Thursday 4 June 2015

Why Being Attractive Pays Off At Work

If you think that looks don’t matter, think again. When it comes to certain careers, keeping up appearances is (unfortunately) important.  At SpaMedica, we’ve seen several lawyers, actors and bankers come in for treatments. Whether it’s for Botox injections or facials, it’s usually for the same reason. These professionals want to keep their youthful looks to stay competitive in their career.

Why would they feel the need to compete? It’s because they want to get a promotion or keep their upper-management position, according to Toronto plastic surgeon Dr. Mulholland. These clients want to look and feel confident rather than looking “haggard” in front of their colleagues and clients. “It’s about looking your best in a very competitive business environment,” says Dr. Mulholland.

It’s easy to say that attractive people get things handed to them in life easily, but numerous studies have proven that this is often the case—at least when it comes to jobs. Daniel Hamermesh, a professor in Economics at The University of Texas at Austin, reported that attractive men and women earn 3-4 more percent than people with below average looks. Attractive people get hired quicker and earn promotions faster in comparison. They’re also rewarded with more job benefits and are revered as valuable assets to the company.

Why being attractive pays off at work
Source: Symmetrical faces are considered as signs of good health and attractiveness.

What makes someone attractive?

Each individual will always have their own preferences in what they find physically attractive. But in general, there are certain traits that are considered universally attractive. According to this Business Insider article, people generally find clear and smooth skin attractive. It’s seen as a sign of health, especially in the faces of women. Facial symmetry is another factor of what makes someone considered as good looking.

The traits that men find attractive in women are a high forehead, high cheekbones, full lips, big eyes and a thin chin. Women prefer a big jaw and broad chin in men.

Men are getting treatments too

It’s not just women who are keeping up their looks. Men are no exception to treatments, both surgical and non-surgical. To compete with younger colleagues, these men maintain their looks through facials, laser hair removal or Botox injections. “Over 20 percent of my clients are men,” says Dr. Mulholland.

Should there really be a big emphasis on our appearances when it comes to getting jobs? Apparently it does matter. A study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology showed that having facial blemishes or disfigurements lowered job candidates’ prospects of snagging the job. In one of their studies, 38 managers conducted face-to-face interviews with candidates who had facial birthmarks. These highly qualified managers with years of experience couldn’t keep their attention on these interviewers because of their looks. The managers had difficulty managing their reactions to the job seekers’ looks, which ultimately impacted their job prospects negatively. 

It’s vain and unfair how our culture works, no doubt. That’s how the nature of the workforce for many professions today, though. Not everyone is born with the same skills or looks. Skills can be learned and perfected and better looks can be attained—whether that means it’s by grooming or cosmetic surgery.

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